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/ USGS: Geologic Studies of…ebraska & Adjacent Areas / USGS Geologic Studies of the Platte Rivver, South-Central Nebraska and Adjacent Areas.iso / newarkmap

Jump To: Archive (1)  |  Image (1)  |  Document (2)  |  Text (9)  |  Other (9)

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
newark_map_2005.mxd Microsoft Compound Document 27 169KB 2005-02-07

Images (1)

Document (2)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
newark_testholes_g83.dbf dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 850b 2005-02-02
newarkcontacts_g83.dbf dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 2KB 2005-02-07

Text (9)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
newark_raster_topo.txt Text File 465 14KB 2005-01-27
newark_testholes_g83.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 920 26KB 2005-10-04
newark_testholes_g83.prj Text File 1 167b 2005-02-02
newark_testholes_g83.shp.xml Extensible Markup Language 323 21KB 2005-02-07
newark.tfw Text File 7 106b 1999-05-18
newarkcontacts_g83.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 788 22KB 2005-10-04
newarkcontacts_g83.prj Text File 1 167b 2005-02-07
newarkcontacts_g83.shp.xml Extensible Markup Language 321 17KB 2005-02-08
schema.ini INI File 3 47b 2005-02-04

Other Files (9)
newark_testholes_g83.sbn ESRI Spatial Index 196b 2005-02-02
newark_testholes_g83.sbx ESRI Spatial Index 124b 2005-02-02
newark_testholes_g83.shx ESRI/ArcView DataBase Index 148b 2005-02-02
newarkcontacts_g83.sbn ESRI Spatial Index 348b 2005-02-07
newarkcontacts_g83.sbx ESRI Spatial Index 132b 2005-02-07
newarkcontacts_g83.shx ESRI/ArcView DataBase Index 292b 2005-02-07
newark_testholes_g83.shp ESRI/ArcView Shape 268b 2005-02-02
newarkcontacts_g83.shp ESRI/ArcView Shape 83KB 2005-02-07
newark.aux Unknown 5KB 2005-02-07